Unfortunately, we don't yet have much information on which multiplayer modes will be included though mainstays such as Deathmatch and Race are pretty much a given. The new Social Club will link your activities between GTA V and other Rockstar games, and you'll be able to join "crews" made up of friends and strangers. (I'm also hoping for a submarine to explore the sea, but that hasn't been confirmed yet.) You can even flip the bird to passersby, whom respond differently depending on what neighborhood you're in. There will be more vehicles than we've ever seen before, and flying, in particular, should be an amazing experience in such a big world. The cars will have more realistic physics, gripping the road rather than gliding like boats on water. The shooting mechanics will feel more natural. We haven't seen actual gameplay yet, but Rockstar claims that almost everything has been substantially improved. The cultural and ethnic differences between these men are played up, right down to the music: Michael gets Queen, Franklin gets Jay Rock, and Trevor gets Waylon Jennings. Michael's old partner, Trevor, lives in a trailer park in the desert, nursing a drug addiction. Franklin, meanwhile, lives in South Central and is trying to avoid the temptations of the gangster lifestyle. He is rich and lives in Rockford Hills (the game's take on Beverly Hills), but he misses his old life and his family is dysfunctional. Michael is a former bank robber suffering a midlife crisis.
A recent series of trailers fleshed out the stories of these men. The story will focus on three separate characters whom players can switch between at will, somewhat like the car-switching in Driver: San Francisco. Even the bottom of the ocean will be realistically rendered. We’ll go from the suburbs, to the desert, to the beaches, to the mountains, and finally to a nearby military base. We'll experience not only Los Santos but also its far-flung environs. But this isn't just the city you remember: Rockstar says the map exceeds in size the maps of GTA IV, San Andreas, and Red Dead Redemption put together. We'll be leaving Liberty City in the dust, heading back west to Los Santos, the Los Angeles parody featured in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas nearly ten years ago. If rumors are to be believed, the PlayStation 4 will debut just a few months after this title hits shelves. When it comes to open-world games, GTA V promises to cap off the current generation - to show us the outer limit of what the consoles we've had for years are capable of. This means a massive advertising campaign will assault your senses, and you can plan on spending hours upon hours killing people, driving too fast, moving up in a new crime world, and performing ridiculous stunts. Brace yourselves: Another Grand Theft Auto is on the horizon.